Monday, April 5, 2021

Your Mom and Spot

This fuzzy, furry friend is my dog Spot!

Mary Englebright says, "Everyone needs their own Spot.....and I quite agree.

Spot is 13 years old.....a teenager in some cultures, an old lady in dog years.

This is Spot's favorite place...the back of the couch where she keeps an eye on the neighborhood and especially the driveway.

Spot found us over ten years ago.

One morning after a bad thunderstorm we woke to find two dogs taking refuge on our porch. The streets were flooded the dogs were wet and hungry. " Don't feed those dogs.",.said my all-knowing husband. He could have been talking to the wind.....anything on my porch (two legs or four will get fed). The water finally subsided the dogs disappeared and we thought to ourselves, "Good, they've found their way home."

The next morning one wet and shivering Spot sits on our porch looking like a drowned rat. "Don't bring that dog inside," said Mr. voice of reason. "He's freezing Mom," says Suzy (in July? I don't think so) But sooner than you can say "We have a new dog, isn't she cute?" The dog is bathed, brushed, blown dry, and given a name.

We did try to find the owner.....really we did! After about a year though she was very firmly entrenched into the family when one day one of Becky's friends looks at our dog and say, "I know that dog, she belongs to my neighbor."

"No she doesn't", we protest".....I'm sure it was another dog that looked similar."

We had decided at this point they would have to describe every freckle, spot, or blemish the dog had to get her back. Crisis passes.....if it was their dog they are content to know she has a good home now. (Whew, I would have hated having to move just to protect my dog!)

Spot is now aptly named as she "leaves Spots" on the carpet or bathroom floor.

She loves us with all her little dog heart. She is always at my feet unless the kids are home and are up late. We have had her longer than any other pet. She is the guardian of secrets, the "big dog" amidst the cats, and our instant doorbell.

She loves licking out yogurt containers and getting into the trash.

She loves to be anywhere you are (except the vet). Charlie calls her an old lady. My mom sneaks bacon to her and the cats give her a wide berth when she comes in the door.

She is the closes thing I know to unconditional love on four feet.

Yep, Everyone needs their "own Spot". 

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