Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Dearest Apple,

Here it is Thanksgiving Day and we are all gathered around the table giving thanks for all the people in our family and especially you. You are really growing and we will be able to see you in just a few weeks.

Poppa and I were excited to meet Rachel....(your Uncle Andy's girlfriend.) We are all totally in love with her and you will be too. She is so sweet and kind and adores Uncle Andy. She loves children so I'm sure she will be only too happy to hold you, cuddle you and spoil you rotten. (That's just an expression dear, you would never ever be rotten!)

Your Daddy fixed a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixings. Mommy and Rachel made desserts and all of us enjoyed being together. We can hardly wait till we can see your sweet face.

Continue to grow and know we love you and are eager to hold you.

We pray for you every single day.


Your Diva

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Dearest Baby Boy Apple,

I need to tell you that your Mommy loves Halloween and loves to dress up you and all the men in her life. You were very prominent this , your very first Halloween, so your very talented Mommy decided to feature you in her costume. You are the Sun in this picture and everything revolves around you! Your Mommy went as the galaxy and dressed your daddy as the scientist and explorer Galileo. (He discovered the planets and galaxy and also discovered that the world was not flat and not the center of the universe ....but that's a story for another day!) Your Daddy discovered that tights are not comfortable and that he doesn't want to dress like this again.

Big brother Oz was dressed like Handy Manny. He is a cartoon character that likes to fix broken items. I'm sure Oz will tell you all about him and maybe even let you play with some of his tools when you are older. (hint: Make sure you ask your brother first!)

We miss you but can feel you kick.

You are growing every day.

Know that Poppa and Diva pray for you every single day.

Waiting patiently to hold you in our arms .

Your Diva