( Or should I call you dearest baby boy?) If the doctor's ultra sound is correct and the baker didn't make a big mistake then you are a boy. Oh boy, oh boy! Your Mommy, Daddy and big brother are delighted to know and your mommy is already thinking about how to decorate your room.
We had such a good time at your celebration . We played games like "Famous Baby Pictionary" (I'll explain that to you when you are older) and blindfolded tasting of baby food. The big reveal came when we all bit into the cupcake and found blue frosting in the middle indicating you are a boy.
Your Mommy and Daddy had everyone write wishes for you as you grow to be a man like your daddy. Your brother liked the refreshments , cupcake and the extra attention.

Speaking of your big brother , I'm pretty sure you will like him and be very glad you have someone to share your secrets, play with, build forts, ride bikes, wrestle with and check out his toys. He will probably be bossy (since he older,) but will be a built in friend when you are lonesome or bored.
We are anxious to see you in January. Sleep well, little prince the world is waiting on you.
your Diva
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