Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Dearest Apple,

Here it is Thanksgiving Day and we are all gathered around the table giving thanks for all the people in our family and especially you. You are really growing and we will be able to see you in just a few weeks.

Poppa and I were excited to meet Rachel....(your Uncle Andy's girlfriend.) We are all totally in love with her and you will be too. She is so sweet and kind and adores Uncle Andy. She loves children so I'm sure she will be only too happy to hold you, cuddle you and spoil you rotten. (That's just an expression dear, you would never ever be rotten!)

Your Daddy fixed a wonderful turkey dinner with all the fixings. Mommy and Rachel made desserts and all of us enjoyed being together. We can hardly wait till we can see your sweet face.

Continue to grow and know we love you and are eager to hold you.

We pray for you every single day.


Your Diva

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Dearest Baby Boy Apple,

I need to tell you that your Mommy loves Halloween and loves to dress up you and all the men in her life. You were very prominent this , your very first Halloween, so your very talented Mommy decided to feature you in her costume. You are the Sun in this picture and everything revolves around you! Your Mommy went as the galaxy and dressed your daddy as the scientist and explorer Galileo. (He discovered the planets and galaxy and also discovered that the world was not flat and not the center of the universe ....but that's a story for another day!) Your Daddy discovered that tights are not comfortable and that he doesn't want to dress like this again.

Big brother Oz was dressed like Handy Manny. He is a cartoon character that likes to fix broken items. I'm sure Oz will tell you all about him and maybe even let you play with some of his tools when you are older. (hint: Make sure you ask your brother first!)

We miss you but can feel you kick.

You are growing every day.

Know that Poppa and Diva pray for you every single day.

Waiting patiently to hold you in our arms .

Your Diva

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hello My Darling Baby Boy!

Dearest Apple,
( Or should I call you dearest baby boy?) If the doctor's ultra sound is correct and the baker didn't make a big mistake then you are a boy. Oh boy, oh boy! Your Mommy, Daddy and big brother are delighted to know and your mommy is already thinking about how to decorate your room.

We had such a good time at your celebration . We played games like "Famous Baby Pictionary" (I'll explain that to you when you are older) and blindfolded tasting of baby food. The big reveal came when we all bit into the cupcake and found blue frosting in the middle indicating you are a boy.

Your Mommy and Daddy had everyone write wishes for you as you grow to be a man like your daddy. Your brother liked the refreshments , cupcake and the extra attention.

Speaking of your big brother , I'm pretty sure you will like him and be very glad you have someone to share your secrets, play with, build forts, ride bikes, wrestle with and check out his toys. He will probably be bossy (since he older,) but will be a built in friend when you are lonesome or bored.

We are anxious to see you in January. Sleep well, little prince the world is waiting on you.


your Diva

Gender Reveal Preparations

Here's my invitation to the very first "Gender Reveal" party that I've ever been invited to attend.

Before your Mommy was born there wasn't ultrasounds that revealed what sex she would be so your Mommy was a "surprise package". (A nice surprise as I really wanted a "Suzy" in my life.) Your Auntie Becky was 1 and a half when her "stister Zoo-Zoo" was born.

Your Mommy and I have been talking and planning games to play. Poppa and I are planning on coming up to New York the day before to help decorate and cook for your celebration. Yes, Apple, I did say celebration as you are a sweet gift to our family.

Warning! Spoiler coming up: ( You need to know that your Mommy loves to throw parties and celebrations but will wear herself out trying to make everything perfect. Your Daddy loves your Mommy so much that he will wear himself out to please her. You will probably not understand any of this until you are older but remember sweetie your Diva was the first one to tell you that this is her way of saying how much she loves you . So smile sweetly for the pictures and give her lots of coos and giggles!)

Here are some of the decorations for your party.
Your Mommy has made streamers out of pink and blue ribbons. She has the food either pink or blue. There are cookies with Pink frosting and cookies with Blue frosting. There is candy that is wrapped in either pink or blue. There are also pizza pops on a stick. On the back of the table are the cupcakes that your Mommy put pink or blue wrappers around and little flags that are pink and blue.

There are both pink and blue plates, pink and blue plastic cups, and napkins and even pink Lemonade to drink. Your Mommy has even made party favors for people to take home with pink and blue taffy with a picture of a cute little baby on it.

Warning another Spoiler: ( I need to tell you right now that your Mommy is very creative and has a hard time throwing away the little baby food jars so don't tease her just tell her how pretty and smart she is and how lucky you are that she is your Mommy.)

Everything is all ready for your Big Reveal. Your Mommy has asked that all the guest wear either pink or blue so your Diva is wearing pink and your Poppa is wearing blue (that way one of us will be right and you need to know that Poppa doesn't own anything Pink!)

Don't we look cute in our pink and blue ? We are so eager to know if you are a dashing young man or a beautiful young lady. Just know that you were loved from the moment we heard of your arrival this coming January.

Love and Kisses

Your Diva

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello Sweet Baby Apple

Hello dearest Apple,

Here we are at Virginia Beach with your big brother, Mommy and Daddy and of course Poppa. You are very much a part of our family already. We all try to feel you move but only your Mom knows how active you are. She thinks that maybe you are already practicing your soccer kicks.

Your Mommy wants to have a gender reveal party so everyone will know whether you are a boy or girl at the same time. Very soon your Mommy and Daddy will go to the doctor and he will do an ultrasound picture of you. The picture will tell us if you are a boy or a girl. Your Mommy wants to be surprised too, so she will ask the doctor to write it down on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. She will then take it to a bakery and have vanilla cupcakes made with white frosting. She will ask the baker to inject the cupcakes with either pink or blue frosting in the middle. So whenever we all bite into our cupcake we will know by the color of the frosting inside if you are a girl or a boy. What fun!

Part of the reason for the visit to Virginia Beach is to see my Mommy, or your grand grandmother. Oz had never met her . My momma is 83 years old and lives in a big house by herself in Virginia Beach. She loves roses, mows her own yard, drives and still cooks better than your Diva. She is getting hard of hearing and doesn't see very well but she will also love you and be so glad that you are part of our family.

This is a picture of Poppa and Oz going into the petting zoo at the Augusta County Fair to see the animals. Poppa likes the animals and will always be right beside you so you won't be scared. He will teach you so many things and will share all kinds of information about every question you may have.

Remember Apple Dearest: Ask Poppa your questions but Ask Diva for Hugs, Kisses, Silly Games and Cookies! Poppa is also good for building towers and playing dinosaurs .

We are so happy to have you as a member of our family. We can hardly wait to see your sweet face and feel your little hand grab our finger.

Your Mommy and Daddy told us about you on Mother's Day. We were in Canada with your cousin Emma, Auntie Becky and Uncle Jerry when your parents told us that you were going to be a new addition to our family. We were so thrilled.

I'm sure cousin Emma would like you to be a girl so she can play dolls, pretty pretty princess, and girl things with you. Oz would probably like a baby boy to play cars, trains, and guy things . You are coming to a family with lots of love ! We want you to know that we have prayed for you every single day of your life. You are such a wonderful gift.

Love ya already,
Your Diva

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello my darling baby

Dearest Apple,

This is your Diva that is starting this blog for you so you will know how excited you Poppa and I are about you. I'm calling you apple because your sweet Momma read me a description of you today which said, "Your baby is about 4 inches long, weighs 2 and a half ounces and is about the size of a small apple". Here's a news flash about your Diva and Poppa. We love apples! (Add some peanut butter spread on an apple slice and we are happy campers!)

Your big brother Oscar was called "jellybean" by your Momma till we knew he was definitely a boy. So calling you Apple makes me smile and gets me all giggly thinking about all the good times we are going to have together and all the secrets we will share.

I plan on telling you stories about your Momma when she was a little girl. (She'll tell you that Diva's memory isn't always accurate but we both know that I would never lie to you.) I will tell you stories about your Uncle Andy and Auntie Becky and of course your big ole sentimental Poppa who will always be your number one fan and protector.

So here's to a lifetime to loving and storytelling. (I already have some good stories about your big brother!) Welcome to our world and to our family. You are the littlest apple on our family tree and we are all totally and completely in love with you.

Your Diva