Saturday, January 24, 2015

Your Kitty Circus Birthday

Welcome to your Kitty Circus Birthday.  Your sweet mommy asked you what you would like as a theme for your birthday party and gave you examples.  Unfortunately she said, kitty or circus theme in the same list and you decided you wanted a Kitty Circus birthday party.  Only your creative mom could have pulled it off but she gave you a kitty circus birthday.  Diva and Poppa couldn't come so we had to enjoy the party through the pictures your Mom posted.

  Your amazing mom made the banners and had circus treats....popcorn, peanuts, circus peanuts, cotton candy and juice boxes.   You told your mommy that you wanted a black octopus cake ( thanks for the suggestion Poppa!)  Your mom asked you later why you wanted a black cake and you told her you wanted to know that if you ate black frosting if your poop would turn black.  (That is such a 4 year old boy thing!)  She talked you into a red cake because she is very practical and had left over red frosting from Christmas and you wanted to know if your poop would turn red.  ( It did, in  case you are curious!)

I know that your Mommy makes it looks like it is easy to do all the things she does but take it from me who usually is hard work.  I love the circus costumes she came up for all of you.  Henry wore a kitty costume, Mom was the ring master and your Dad was the bearded lady.  ( I laughed and laughed that he would wear a dress!)  Believe me Poppa would not do that....even for you!

I hope you know how very loved you are and all the things your mom and dad do for you.  You are the best 4 year old boy I know.  Know  Poppa and Diva love you very much and pray for you every day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Many faces of Charlie

Dearest Charlie Bear,

Your Mommy took these pictures of you watching a cartoon movie call "Kong Fu Panda 2" .  You love your kitties that you got for Christmas and will pick one up to watch a movie or even read a book.  Looks like there were some really exciting parts in the movie as well as some sad parts.  I hope you will always enjoy having a nice warm kitty in your lap to take away the sharp edges of life and bring you comfort and joy.  Happiness is a warm cat.  We love our Lucy Grey and JJ kitty as much as you love Moby and Max.

XOXO......Your Diva