I love this picture of little Charlie with two of his favorite people Uncle Andy and soon-to-be Auntie Rachel. Andy and Rachel were two of the first people at the hospital to greet baby Charlie 18 months ago. I think Charlie fell head over heels for her back then. You know Rachel loves him, as Lil Charlie gives open mouth kisses! The countdown continues till November in Texas when it becomes official but it's already been settled in our hearts she is already Auntie Rachel.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Watch out Uncle Andy
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Tiny Diamonds
Dearest Charlie Bear,
This week is spring break for Mommy and Oz and so you and your brothers got to do some fun exploring trips with the family.
I love this picture of the geode that your daddy cut open to expose all the beautiful crystals inside. You called them tiny diamonds and decided that you were a really rich boy.
Well, my love, you are so right. You are rich in having been born to a family that loves you so very much and want to do fun things for you and your brothers. You have a Mommy and Daddy that are rich in imagination and generous with their time and attention. You are rich in cuddles, hugs, tickles, love and don't forget donuts!
You add laughter, sparkles and fun to Diva's life. I pray that you will always be able to find hidden beauty in nature and always know that you are loved more than you will ever know.
Your Diva
This week is spring break for Mommy and Oz and so you and your brothers got to do some fun exploring trips with the family.
I love this picture of the geode that your daddy cut open to expose all the beautiful crystals inside. You called them tiny diamonds and decided that you were a really rich boy.
Well, my love, you are so right. You are rich in having been born to a family that loves you so very much and want to do fun things for you and your brothers. You have a Mommy and Daddy that are rich in imagination and generous with their time and attention. You are rich in cuddles, hugs, tickles, love and don't forget donuts!
You add laughter, sparkles and fun to Diva's life. I pray that you will always be able to find hidden beauty in nature and always know that you are loved more than you will ever know.
Your Diva
Monday, March 9, 2015
My little Mud Magnet
Dear Charlie Bear....
Your dad posted this on Facebook yesterday. I had to laugh because I know very few little boys who aren't attracted to playing in the mud.
It certainly is fun, squishy, and not something you get to do every day. I bet you had a great time building, making roads, and digging in the mud. I'm glad you let Henry play too.
I wish I had been there to watch you build, splash and get dirty up to your
elbows. I had to laugh at the shirt you are wearing Charlie...It says, "I play Dirty".
I love the" after" picture of my three guys with dirty hands and looks of satisfaction. I know you are wanting the warmer weather to come so you can play outside more.
Thanks for giving me laughter today. I hope you always enjoy jumping in mud puddles and getting dirty up to your eyebrows.
Know you give us much joy in watching you play.
Your Diva
Your dad posted this on Facebook yesterday. I had to laugh because I know very few little boys who aren't attracted to playing in the mud.
It certainly is fun, squishy, and not something you get to do every day. I bet you had a great time building, making roads, and digging in the mud. I'm glad you let Henry play too.

elbows. I had to laugh at the shirt you are wearing Charlie...It says, "I play Dirty".
I love the" after" picture of my three guys with dirty hands and looks of satisfaction. I know you are wanting the warmer weather to come so you can play outside more.
Thanks for giving me laughter today. I hope you always enjoy jumping in mud puddles and getting dirty up to your eyebrows.
Know you give us much joy in watching you play.
Your Diva
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Now don't you grow till I get back!
"Now don't you grow till I get back", is something I always tell you. I tell you that because I don't want to miss out on a single minute of your life. I also tell you that because you give me the sweetest grin and say, "But Diva, I can't help it, I growed in my sleep."
You are going through a growth spurt right now. You are getting taller, stronger, smarter, and sweeter. While I was taking care of you and Henry while Miss Maddie was sick you came down stairs one morning and announced " Diva I'm going to treat you like a princess today." The best part of that statement was that you did treat me like a princess all day long. You helped me make my "green juice" and did everything I asked you all day with a smile. You sang me some songs Miss Maddie taught you and we worked puzzles, read books, colored pictures and watched "The Hive" . You shared toys with Henry and played nicely with the Moby and Max .
You are the child of my heart and it is hard for me to get angry with you even when you act like a toad. You look up with those big brown eyes and sweet smile and make me laugh. I love to hear you pray and sing Jesus loves me in German.
Know that Poppa and Diva love you so very much and pray for you every single day.
XOXO Your Diva
You are going through a growth spurt right now. You are getting taller, stronger, smarter, and sweeter. While I was taking care of you and Henry while Miss Maddie was sick you came down stairs one morning and announced " Diva I'm going to treat you like a princess today." The best part of that statement was that you did treat me like a princess all day long. You helped me make my "green juice" and did everything I asked you all day with a smile. You sang me some songs Miss Maddie taught you and we worked puzzles, read books, colored pictures and watched "The Hive" . You shared toys with Henry and played nicely with the Moby and Max .
You are the child of my heart and it is hard for me to get angry with you even when you act like a toad. You look up with those big brown eyes and sweet smile and make me laugh. I love to hear you pray and sing Jesus loves me in German.
Know that Poppa and Diva love you so very much and pray for you every single day.
XOXO Your Diva
Monday, March 2, 2015
Your Roller Skating Diva
Dearest Charlie Bear,
How is my favorite 4 year old today? I was just thinking about you and how active you are. I thought you might want to know a little bit more about Diva when she was a little girl.
I remember your first roller skates made out of plastic and clamped over your shoes. Your skates would only go forward and you could walk on them without them going very fast. My first skates were made from metal and the wheels had ball bearing in them to make them go faster. I fell a lot and remember tying a pillow to my bottom to cushion the falls.
When I was 8 years old one of my favorite past times was roller skating. The picture above are the street skates I used, complete with a skate key to tighten up the clamps on my shoes. The skate key was very important or else the skate fell off every time you picked up your foot. I lost many skate keys growing up and had to get my dad to use a pair of pliers to adjust the clamps so I could skate.
Not only were the skates heavy and awkward but I learned to skate on the sidewalks outside our home in Abilene, Texas. Our side walks were cracked and if you had any speed at all and hit the rough and uneven pavement a fall was the predictable outcome. I don't remember how many times I fell but I usually had bruises, skinned knees and elbows and lots of colorful bandaids to show for my skating adventures. ( Remember this was long before knee and elbow pads and helmets. So if occasionally Diva acts goofy its probably from a childhood skating accident.) Occasionally my parents would take pity on my injuries and take us skating at the local roller rink.
Ah.....the roller skating rink with a cement, even round floor with lots of room to skate and shoe skates that they rented out. Back in my day it was 8 year old heaven. For my 8th birthday my parents rented out the roller rink and had my birthday party there. I was the most popular girl in school for that brief week. I was able to invite all my classmates, Sunday School class friends, Brownie troop, neighbors and friends. What could be better than shoe skates, birthday cake, presents , music to skate by as well as skating games and couples skates. I skated with Jerry Cleveland my third grade crush....he had braces, bright red hair cut in a crew cut, thick glasses and was the smartest boy in my class. (Yes, Charlie Bear....your Diva was attracted to Nerds even back in the day. Jerry was a math whiz and did my math home work for me. (But don't tell great grandmother--she just thought I got really smart in math in that year!)
I broke my arm roller skating. It was the first of three broken wrists that I experienced in the first , second and third grade. My cousins used to say that "I was slippery" , I think they meant that I was breakable. It was my left wrist. I was going too fast down an incline and couldn't stop myself from hitting a parked car. I used my left hand to try and stop myself but it bent backward and I heard it snap. I wore a cast on it for 6 weeks.
I don't skate anymore because I am breakable now but I will always be there to watch you skate, play sports, run, do puzzles and sing songs with you. I will be your cheerleader and your official huger. I'm wondering what your favorite things will be when you turn 8 years old.
Your Roller Derby Skating Queen......Diva

I remember your first roller skates made out of plastic and clamped over your shoes. Your skates would only go forward and you could walk on them without them going very fast. My first skates were made from metal and the wheels had ball bearing in them to make them go faster. I fell a lot and remember tying a pillow to my bottom to cushion the falls.
When I was 8 years old one of my favorite past times was roller skating. The picture above are the street skates I used, complete with a skate key to tighten up the clamps on my shoes. The skate key was very important or else the skate fell off every time you picked up your foot. I lost many skate keys growing up and had to get my dad to use a pair of pliers to adjust the clamps so I could skate.
Not only were the skates heavy and awkward but I learned to skate on the sidewalks outside our home in Abilene, Texas. Our side walks were cracked and if you had any speed at all and hit the rough and uneven pavement a fall was the predictable outcome. I don't remember how many times I fell but I usually had bruises, skinned knees and elbows and lots of colorful bandaids to show for my skating adventures. ( Remember this was long before knee and elbow pads and helmets. So if occasionally Diva acts goofy its probably from a childhood skating accident.) Occasionally my parents would take pity on my injuries and take us skating at the local roller rink.
Ah.....the roller skating rink with a cement, even round floor with lots of room to skate and shoe skates that they rented out. Back in my day it was 8 year old heaven. For my 8th birthday my parents rented out the roller rink and had my birthday party there. I was the most popular girl in school for that brief week. I was able to invite all my classmates, Sunday School class friends, Brownie troop, neighbors and friends. What could be better than shoe skates, birthday cake, presents , music to skate by as well as skating games and couples skates. I skated with Jerry Cleveland my third grade crush....he had braces, bright red hair cut in a crew cut, thick glasses and was the smartest boy in my class. (Yes, Charlie Bear....your Diva was attracted to Nerds even back in the day. Jerry was a math whiz and did my math home work for me. (But don't tell great grandmother--she just thought I got really smart in math in that year!)
I broke my arm roller skating. It was the first of three broken wrists that I experienced in the first , second and third grade. My cousins used to say that "I was slippery" , I think they meant that I was breakable. It was my left wrist. I was going too fast down an incline and couldn't stop myself from hitting a parked car. I used my left hand to try and stop myself but it bent backward and I heard it snap. I wore a cast on it for 6 weeks.
I don't skate anymore because I am breakable now but I will always be there to watch you skate, play sports, run, do puzzles and sing songs with you. I will be your cheerleader and your official huger. I'm wondering what your favorite things will be when you turn 8 years old.
Your Roller Derby Skating Queen......Diva
Friday, February 13, 2015
Making Valentines
Dear Charlie....
Happy Valentines Day. We made Valentines today. Mommy had some heart shapes in a bag so we made cards for Mommy and Daddy as well as Poppa who will be coming from Virginia today. Diva will be glad to see him. I like the valentine that you drew your hand and then put hearts on each of your fingers. I think you are very creative just like your Mommy and Daddy.
Henry liked making cards and drawing pictures too. These are the kind of valentines Diva used to make as a little girl. We made cards out of construction paper and cut out hearts to glue on them. I like getting valentine from my special boys.
Thank you for a fun activity that I got to share with you and Henry today.
Love you more than Valentines....even ones with chocolate in them and that's a lot of love Buddy.
xoxo your Diva
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Time with my boys
Dear Charlie Bear,
What a fun time we had today. Daddy had to go out of town today and Mommy and Oscar had school. I came to be with you and Henry while Miss Maddie was in the hospital.
Poppa found some really cool cars from the Cars movie that he knew you and Henry would really like. You figured out how to make them talk and scoot across the floor really fast. Poppa will be impressed with how quickly you discovered how to make them work.
Today we did all the puzzles in the bins and found all the lost pieces. Both you and Henry are very good at doing puzzles. Mommy will be glad to know that you found the missing pieces.
I was surprised to find out you must have 20 or 30 puzzles. I remember working puzzles with you before Henry was born. I love watching you help Henry just the way Oscar would help you when you were two. You are very kind to him and will give him hints how to make the pieces fit. You will say, "That's right, just turn it a little bit, it will fit there."
Thank you for being a good big brother. I love you Buddy.
Your Diva
What a fun time we had today. Daddy had to go out of town today and Mommy and Oscar had school. I came to be with you and Henry while Miss Maddie was in the hospital.
Poppa found some really cool cars from the Cars movie that he knew you and Henry would really like. You figured out how to make them talk and scoot across the floor really fast. Poppa will be impressed with how quickly you discovered how to make them work.
Today we did all the puzzles in the bins and found all the lost pieces. Both you and Henry are very good at doing puzzles. Mommy will be glad to know that you found the missing pieces.
I was surprised to find out you must have 20 or 30 puzzles. I remember working puzzles with you before Henry was born. I love watching you help Henry just the way Oscar would help you when you were two. You are very kind to him and will give him hints how to make the pieces fit. You will say, "That's right, just turn it a little bit, it will fit there."
Thank you for being a good big brother. I love you Buddy.
Your Diva
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Your Kitty Circus Birthday
Welcome to your Kitty Circus Birthday. Your sweet mommy asked you what you would like as a theme for your birthday party and gave you examples. Unfortunately she said, kitty or circus theme in the same list and you decided you wanted a Kitty Circus birthday party. Only your creative mom could have pulled it off but she gave you a kitty circus birthday. Diva and Poppa couldn't come so we had to enjoy the party through the pictures your Mom posted.
Your amazing mom made the banners and had circus treats....popcorn, peanuts, circus peanuts, cotton candy and juice boxes. You told your mommy that you wanted a black octopus cake ( thanks for the suggestion Poppa!) Your mom asked you later why you wanted a black cake and you told her you wanted to know that if you ate black frosting if your poop would turn black. (That is such a 4 year old boy thing!) She talked you into a red cake because she is very practical and had left over red frosting from Christmas and you wanted to know if your poop would turn red. ( It did, in case you are curious!)
I know that your Mommy makes it
looks like it is easy to do all the things she does but take it from me
who usually helps....it is hard work. I love the circus costumes she
came up for all of you. Henry wore a kitty costume, Mom was the ring
master and your Dad was the bearded lady. ( I laughed and laughed that
he would wear a dress!) Believe me Poppa would not do that....even for
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
The Many faces of Charlie
Dearest Charlie Bear,
Your Mommy took these pictures of you watching a cartoon movie call "Kong Fu Panda 2" . You love your kitties that you got for Christmas and will pick one up to watch a movie or even read a book. Looks like there were some really exciting parts in the movie as well as some sad parts. I hope you will always enjoy having a nice warm kitty in your lap to take away the sharp edges of life and bring you comfort and joy. Happiness is a warm cat. We love our Lucy Grey and JJ kitty as much as you love Moby and Max.
XOXO......Your Diva
Your Mommy took these pictures of you watching a cartoon movie call "Kong Fu Panda 2" . You love your kitties that you got for Christmas and will pick one up to watch a movie or even read a book. Looks like there were some really exciting parts in the movie as well as some sad parts. I hope you will always enjoy having a nice warm kitty in your lap to take away the sharp edges of life and bring you comfort and joy. Happiness is a warm cat. We love our Lucy Grey and JJ kitty as much as you love Moby and Max.
XOXO......Your Diva
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