Did you know that Diva is a personal friend of the Easter Bunny? What fun Poppa and I had watching you and your brothers at the Easter Egg hunt at your local library.
It was Henry's first Easter Egg hunt but not yours. You were fearlessly picking up eggs as fast as your little legs could run. You even share a chocolate surprise with me! You know how much your Diva loves chocolate!
You got to frost and eat sugar cookies, blow huge bubbles, and play games while waiting for your age group to go hunt eggs. Have I told you how much Poppa and I enjoy watching you and your brothers?

I am so happy that you enjoy going to church and have so many nice friends in Sunday School. Poppa and I pray for you every single day. We love you so very much and are so pleased that you are growing up to be a kind, considerate and helpful young man.
Be nice to Henry. He loves his big brother and wants to be just like you and Oz.
Be very nice to Mommy. She loves your hugs and kisses....so does Diva.

See you soon!
Your Diva