Thursday, January 10, 2013

I mustache you

Hello Baby Charlie, 

I'm not going to get to call you that for much longer as very soon you will be the "big brother".  Today you are turning 2 years old.  It has been a very busy time this past few months with Uncle Andy's and Auntie Rachel's wedding in November in Texas and Christmas time.  Your Mommy and Daddy have been working very hard to paint, stain floors, and unpack boxes  to get your home  just right for your family. Little Brother Henry will be born this week and your family will never be the same again.  You will be a family of three very active Bomgardner boys and Poppa and I can hardly wait. Your  very sweet Mommy wanted to celebrate your birthday.  So I have been helping her with a mustache party.  Mommy made the birthday cake to look like a big mustache.  Silly Mommy.  Everyone got to pick a mustache to wear during the party as well as in the photo booth.  Aren't the decorations amazing?  What a clever Mommy you have. 

I must say Charlie boy, you look really good with a mustache.  Isn't Mommy funny to put a mustache on the chocolate milk?   If you ever look back on these post and have a mustache you'll have to compare pictures .  Your Poppa had a mustache for about 12 years.  He really liked it but it made Diva's face all red and itchy because it was coarse and scratchy.  I told him it was like kissing a broom so one day for my birthday he shaved it off.  Uncle Andy had never seen your Poppa without a mustache he so was really surprised when he saw him .  He almost didn't recognize him!

Well, Charlie Bear, what do you think of Diva's mustache?  Is it me?  You will notice it matches my hair.   Do I look like I could join the circus?  I could be the mustache lady!  Poppa couldn't be at your party but will be here this weekend to help take care of you and Oz while Mommy and Daddy are the hospital .

Look at funny Mommy and Oscar.  Who has the better mustache?  Do you like Oscar's glasses.  Daddy invited his coworkers at ASP to come to your party.  They liked wearing mustaches too!

Daddy had the best mustache even without adding a fake one.  Mommy made your birthday shirt.  It was a fun party.  You had a really good time .

Diva and Poppa have been so blessed to have you in our family for two whole years.  You have made us smile, laugh and give the best kisses and hugs.  We love you so much and know that this will be a really big change in your life.  I know you will be an awesome big brother.

Know we love you and will always be there for you.  Happy Birthday my big two year old birthday boy. 

Your Diva