Happy Birthday to our favorite ONE year old!!
Poppa and I were so honored to be at your very first birthday party (but you were only one week old at that one!)
Did we wear silly hats to that one too you ask?
What do you think?
Of course we did! Poppa and I even designed our hats for you! Poppa's had lots of blue pipe cleaners coming out of it with blue pom poms on the end of it and I made a big yellow daisy coming out of mine. What a silly Poppa and Diva you have! We thought you were special back then but you've grown even more precious to us over the past year.

How do you like the party hat your Momma made for you? It says One Week old. Look how
tiny you were? I got to spend the first month of your life at your house. You and I had many late night "chats" while the rest of the household slept.
What a big boy you are now!

This is one of my favorite pictures of you at your party. Your really love the balloons on the ceiling and your big strong Daddy lifted you up so you could see them better. You can tell by the smile on your face that you really liked them.
Your wonderful Momma went all out to give you a very special first birthday party. Poppa and I came up early just to help. Poppa and your Daddy blew up the balloons, spray painted hats, cut out gears to decorate the walls and Diva even made a great big ONE for the door.

Diva's not nearly as "crafty" as you Momma so it took me a
while to finish it. I think it looks pretty nice though. Your Mommy had to
teach Diva how to make it.

Here's some of the gears we cut out and your Momma used for decorations. I love the robots in the window too. Have you guessed that your first party was a robot party?

Which one is Poppa and which one is the Giant Robot your Daddy built? Poppa is the taller one with glasses (just in case you couldn't tell!) We had a wonderful time at your party. Thanks for inviting us.
We miss you and your bright smiles,
Don't forget us!
Hugs and Kisses,
Diva and Poppa