It's been a while since I've posted some pictures of my boys. They have been growing especially Charlie Bear. His eyes have turned a beautiful brown just like his Poppa's, his Daddy, and his Uncle Andy. He had long eyelashes just like big brother Oscar. Just like most little brothers, he wants to be where ever big brother is and play with whatever he is currently playing with. Sharing is overrated at times so there is occasionally conflicts and loud vocal complaints and screeches. Charlie is getting really chatty on the phone. so much so his Mommy has to chase him down to get the phone away from him so we can talk. Charlie gives me open mouth kisses, and his whole face lights up when he sees Poppa.
Oscar will be 4 in September and is getting ready for preschool. He has gorgeous blue eyes like his Diva and his Mommy and the longest eyelashes I've ever seen. He loves anything with wheels, trains, building, cooking with daddy, and books. He is a good big brother (most days) and very opinionated about his clothing and food. He definitely makes life interesting and gives great hugs.