Dearest Suzy, Happy Birthday, Wonder Woman. Who knew that wearing Wonder Woman Underoos would be a self-full-filling prophecy? You truly have grown up to be a wonder woman.
I know you "wonder" if you'll ever get a full night's sleep. I know you "wonder" if you'll ever have a house with a backyard. I know you "wonder" how you'll ever get everything done. I know you "wonder" if you are a good mother. I know you "wonder" how things will turn out.
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You are a beautifully talented woman who is so creative, thoughtful, kind, and loving. You truly put others before yourself and worry about the smallest detail. You make every day an occasion to celebrate. Your smile brightens up the gloomiest day and your imagination is boundless.
I'm always amazed at the items you make from felt and your organizational skills are incredible. You get more done in a single day than anyone I know. If I could change just one thing about you it would be," to stop being so hard on yourself. " Perfection is not obtainable and it's really hard to live with people who are never satisfied no matter how well things turn out.
If I could challenge you with just one thing it would be, "to cherish this time." You'll never get it back and as hectic as it is you'll look back on it and miss it.
If I could charge you with one thing it would be, "don't listen to all the negative talk or take it personally". There will always be people around you that will criticize you or try to belittle you. Don't listen, don't become discouraged, and don't dwell on it.
You truly are Wonder Woman. You make everyone wonder how you come up with all these clever ideas. You make your husband wonder how he ever got so lucky to be married to the most wonderful woman on the planet. You make your parents wonder how they ever got so blessed to be grandparents of two active little boys. You make your friends wonder how they got along without you in their life. I love you Baby Girl