Here we are at Virginia Beach with your big brother, Mommy and Daddy and of course Poppa. You are very much a part of our family already. We all try to feel you move but only your Mom knows how active you are. She thinks that maybe you are already practicing your soccer kicks.
Your Mommy wants to have a gender reveal party so everyone will know whether you are a boy or girl at the same time. Very soon your Mommy and Daddy will go to the doctor and he will do an ultrasound picture of you. The picture will tell us if you are a boy or a girl. Your Mommy wants to be surprised too, so she will ask the doctor to write it down on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. She will then take it to a bakery and have vanilla cupcakes made with white frosting. She will ask the baker to inject the cupcakes with either pink or blue frosting in the middle. So whenever we all bite into our cupcake we will know by the color of the frosting inside if you are a girl or a boy. What fun!

Part of the reason for the visit to Virginia Beach is to see my Mommy, or your grand grandmother. Oz had never met her . My momma is 83 years old and lives in a big house by herself in Virginia Beach. She loves roses, mows her own yard, drives and still cooks better than your Diva. She is getting hard of hearing and doesn't see very well but she will also love you and be so glad that you are part of our family.

Remember Apple Dearest: Ask Poppa your questions but Ask Diva for Hugs, Kisses, Silly Games and Cookies! Poppa is also good for building towers and playing dinosaurs .
We are so happy to have you as a member of our family. We can hardly wait to see your sweet face and feel your little hand grab our finger.
Your Mommy and Daddy told us about you on Mother's Day. We were in Canada with your cousin Emma, Auntie Becky and Uncle Jerry when your parents told us that you were going to be a new addition to our family. We were so thrilled.
I'm sure cousin E

Love ya already,
Your Diva