Dearest Apple,
This is your Diva that is starting this blog for you so you will know how excited you Poppa and I are about you. I'm calling you apple because your sweet Momma read me a description of you today which said, "Your baby is about 4 inches long, weighs 2 and a half ounces and is about the size of a small apple". Here's a news flash about your Diva and Poppa. We love apples! (Add some peanut butter spread on an apple slice and we are happy campers!)
Your big brother Oscar was called "jellybean" by your Momma till we knew he was definitely a boy. So calling you Apple makes me smile and gets me all giggly thinking about all the good times we are going to have together and all the secrets we will share.
I plan on telling you stories about your Momma when she was a little girl. (She'll tell you that Diva's memory isn't always accurate but we both know that I would never lie to you.) I will tell you stories about your Uncle Andy and Auntie Becky and of course your big ole sentimental Poppa who will always be your number one fan and protector.
So here's to a lifetime to loving and storytelling. (I already have some good stories about your big brother!) Welcome to our world and to our family. You are the littlest apple on our family tree and we are all totally and completely in love with you.
Your Diva